Typically all orders are processed and shipped within 3 business days.

When will my order be shipped?
Most orders are shipped within 72 hours. Once the order is placed, we will email a tracking number and provide an address for tracking.

Can you ship to my country?
We can ship to your country. We can ship single samples or large orders to more than 100 countries.

When will my order arrive?
This shipping method is the fastest. Delivery time is 10-20 days for all major destinations.

Why can’t I view tracking information for my order?
Due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, couriers have adopted a staff evacuation strategy, so tracking information cannot be updated in time. Please be patient.

Easy 60-Day Returns
We are committed to your complete satisfaction. If for any reason, you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, you can get a full refund of the product price and any applicable taxes within 60 business days of receiving the item. For exchange refunds or credit account refunds, please note that all returns and exchanges must be in new, unused or unused condition with original tags and stickers attached. Items deemed used, dirty, or with missing tags will be returned to the purchaser at the purchaser’s expense and no refund will be given. Please be sure to obtain a tracking number for your return from the courier, as lost returns are the customer’s responsibility. All transactions are secure. The Site is equipped with an SSL encryption system to protect personal information and payment data. We will not sell or ship any items ordered through the Site directly to anyone we know is under the age of 18. We do not collect personally identifiable information (such as name, address, telephone number, and email address), also referred to herein as “Personal Information,” from you unless you voluntarily provide it to us.